Antiquity, the most ridiculous game to PBF, beginners-only game recruitment and discussion

Before I give my woodcutter coordinates, does it make any difference which one I harvest first? They are all adjacent to my woodcutter token so I shouldn’t think so

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You’d think so, right? Actually, you might find harvesting decisions having significant consequences in the game. Not always, but even early, if you want to maximize a farm area, for instance, which wood you take might be important.

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Map corrected, please let me know your harvest instructions.

Let’s keep everything that isn’t an update from me or an instruction from you in this thread.

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@Whistle_Pig Are you certain about this? 5-19 is a mountain hex, and unlikely to be mined any time soon, while 5-15 will be lost if you build a mine on 4-16. Apologies for second-guessing you.

EDIT: actually, this is probably too much from me. I have gone ahead with the explore, and will refrain from suggestions in the future, unless suggestions are requested.

It’s weird, but I think I’ve got my next turn planned out!


Sorry, forgot to turn on highlighting, the map has been updated.

As you can see, 26-3 and 26-4 are not in your zone of control, so pollution cannot be placed there.

@RossM 26-4 is still not a viable place for pollution - water hexes are not in your zone of control unless you are manning a harbour.

If this changes where you want your fishery, that’s fine.

Yep twigged what was wrong. See new post in main thread

Do I have to declare what I am collecting from my fisherman?

I believe you did when we did harvesting?

Oh, you mean next turn. No, I can figure out which fish to take =P

No, I mean fish instead of, for example, pearls

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Oh, definitely, yes. In Turn 1 I assumed that “fishery” and no other specification meant fish, but it should always be specified.

FWIW I have built a non-fish fishery in Turn 1 in most of the games I have played so far!

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Cool. (I wanted a fish, just wasn’t sure when we declared this!)

All the goods for a countryside build are placed on the map immediately, and fish/dye/pearl tokens are distinct.

I found a sheep with my explore.

Can I use that to start a farm next turn?

Yes, you can.

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Excellent. I was worried I was going to have to store it.

Well, at some point famine outpaces your harvest, so you will need storage, but that time is probably not now =)

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I’m happy to stick with my (probable) mistake anyway, but thank you for the reminder :slight_smile:

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