Woo! Four (FOUR!) games of Twilight Imperium in September… only finished 1, but we came dang close the other three times… I am actually playing again tonight, so October is off to a mighty fine start!
As for other games… a few plays of some light After-TI titles that went over quite well (Condotierre, Team 3, Incan Gold/Diamant), plus a few mid-weights (Terraforming Mars, which was the first time I’ve put that on the table all year, for example…).
I’m hoping to get a few more games of Battletech in October, but that will depend on my buddy in London and how he’s adjusting to his third son. We shall see, we shall see… either way I’m finished up with the big Dystopian Wars commission I had to paint aside from 400 turrets that I need to come up with some clever (FAST) way to paint them so they look okay but doesn’t take more than a few minutes per turret (I’m not exaggerating… hundreds of them), and then I can paint up all my Battletech models, and then… I have a different commission to work on. But one step at a time!
Grabbed a French copy of Nekojima (still not available in English, tragically), might play that tonight, but did manage to get Undaunted 2200: Callisto on the table… twice, one solo and one two-player. Solid acquisition, that, and I am looking forward to playing it again.
This month Ito is supposed to come in, and maybe Ascending Empires, although I’m not holding my breath on that one.